IELTS Counsellor is an enterprise of Adaptive Academic Alliance (ADACALL) Private Limited
edu@ieltscounsellor.com | +91-9207544792
IELTS Counsellor is dedicated 24x7 to streamline the teaching and learning processes for the best possible outcomes. A suitable blend of Adaptive Training Technology (ATS) with Cognitive Learning System (CLS) supported by our innovative Dynamic Blackboard and E-Library has yielded excellent results in improving students' academic performance.
Enrolled students can use the following application form to streamline their studies and test preparation:
The enrolled students and alumni can use this form for various purposes as applicable*:
Accounting Issues
Behavioural / Discipline issue
Cancellation of a service
Canteen membership
CBT issue
Centre Transfer
Certificate issue / correction
Course discontinuation
Course extension
Course Fee
Course Transfer
Course upgrade
Dynamic Blackboard issues
Educate a girl-child (Donation)
General Complaint
General Feedback
General Suggestions
Group Admission
'Ishrat Scholarship': Application
'Ishrat Scholarship' : Donation
Lecture / Study mode
Library membership
Login issues
Promotional participation
Quality matters
Redeeming rewards
Scheduling issues
Study material issues
Taking a break
* Disclaimer: The above options or provisions are subject to compliance with the membership terms and conditions applicable on the given date.
* If your request requires any financial transaction, you would be notified about it with the necessary details.