The OET preparation provides a concerted and reliable flow of the test knowledge for all four language skills: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking with emphasis on communication in medical and health professional settings. OET tests international health practitioners 12 medical professions:
Speech Pathology
Veterinary Science
Occupational therapy
This OET preparation program is spread over a period of 5 weeks that includes everything you need as a test taker. OET-Swift Program is developed by the subject experts who are qualified in specifically related disciplines and delivered by the famous English teachers of IELTS Counsellor through their virtual classrooms.
The Key Features of the OET Training:
1. Face-to-Face, interactive lectures.
2. Comprehensive coverage of 4 sub-tests.
3. Skill-based preparation to avoid repeat-tests.
4. Easily affordable tuition that includes test resources.
5. 24/7 E-mail support to review your writings and assignments.
6. Lessons customized to suite you “OET Profession” and duty hours.
7. Presentation-based lectures to allow for revision, short notes, and reviews.
Questions you might ask:
1. Any deadline? Yes. This concessional tuition fee is for a limited time.
2. Where can I get further information? IELTS Counsellor website.
3. What about the schedule? You can choose based on your duty hours?
4. Do you provide hard copies of books? Yes. In selected cities.
8. Who would teach? Certified, experienced OET teacher in your city.
9. May I contact an OET Teacher to know more about the course? Yes:
Send the following to:
> Your name, city, and planned date to start the course.